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Interesting links


Governare la paura : a quite an interesting and similar proyect in Italian

Special issue on narrating fear. Governare la paura

Museum of fearology: a very reflexive article and examples of fear in everyday life

Fisher M. Disappearing Fear

Fearology : a great source on integral fear studies

Evey's awakening scene (V for Vendetta)

Estafeta: blog with important theoretical texts in Spanish

Literacies in Second Languages Project - Interesting source  and a partner project 

Antropologia del miedo - insightful blog Etnicografica by Patricia Quintero Barrera

Fear in Buddhism - an interesting insight on fear and its meaning

Come home (One republic ft Sara Bareilles) - a soundtrack to the Vampire Diaries

Proyecto U de los Andes y el blog de Annelie Franke

Monstrous geographies 

BIbliography of ordinary and extraordinary

ScepticThomas: a resource that provides links to the informatio on fear, horror, etc

Blog on fear and Jung

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